Come Sing with Us!

We invite all who enjoy singing classics choral music to join us for in-person rehearsals this fall. Open rehearsals will be held on Monday, September 16 and Monday, September 23, from 7:20 to 9:30 p.m at Christ Church, 33 Central Street, Andover, MA. Our winter concert, entitled “Peace” is scheduled for February 2, 2025 at 3 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 15 Kenoza St., Haverhill, MA. We will be performing Haydn’s “Missa in Tempore Belli” (Mass in Time of War) and Vaughan Williams “Dona Nobis Pacem”.

The first step in joining the Andover Choral Society is coming to one of our open rehearsals to check us out. Although we do not audition prospective members, an ability to match pitch and follow music is a prerequisite. Regular attendance and committed participation are obvious requirements. The concert fee for the winter will be $200, payable by September 30 and the music will be $50, unless you have approved copies of the two pieces we are singing this fall, in which case you may use your own scores.

We are a warm, friendly, and welcoming group, made up of singers of all ages, professions, and backgrounds. We come from towns throughout northeastern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. Our singers range from those who are professionally trained to those who have never tried it before and thought it might be fun. We hope you will consider joining us!

Download our registration form to bring with you to your first rehearsal. Registration form.

For more information, email us at