Support Andover Choral Society

Thank you to all who support the Andover Choral Society - We are funded solely by grants and donations from our supporters. Because tickets prices cover just a fraction of our performances costs, and because funding the arts is becoming increasingly more challenging, please consider supporting music in your community by becoming a friend of the Andover Choral Society.


Message from the President

November 2023  

Dear Friends,  

Andover Choral Society is excited to kick off our 95th season and our second year with music director, Matthew Buono.  Under Matthew’s direction, we performed Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem at our winter concert, and Antonio Salieri’s Mass in D and Franz Schubert’s Mass in G at our spring concert.   We capped off the year with Diverse Voices, one of the largest events ever held by Andover Choral Society.  Twenty-two community organizations and twelve performing-arts groups gathered for an afternoon of music, dance, and conversation, celebrating the diversity of ethnicities, languages, and cultures in the Merrimack Valley.   To continue our efforts to bring people together through music, we count on your financial support. Please consider making a donation to Andover Choral Society today, to help make our upcoming season possible.  

On Sunday, February 4, 2024, at 3 p.m., at Wood Hill Middle School in Andover, the chorus will present A Celebration of Bach.  The concert will showcase Bach’s extraordinary music and explore his influence on other composers. Part of the program will highlight three chorales from St. Matthew Passion.  In 2020, the Bach Choir of London commissioned three pieces in response to these chorales. We are privileged to be the chorus selected for the American premiere of these pieces. Finally, the program will include Bach’s Leichtgessinte Flattergeister, a cantata written and performed for the second Sunday before Lent in Bach’s first year at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig. We are featuring Emma Roberson, soprano, Alexandra Dietrich, alto, Josaphat Contreras, tenor, and John Salvi, bass as soloists.  

Our spring concert, titled Americana, will continue our community outreach efforts.  The concert, which will be held on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 3 p.m., will celebrate the changes in the American musical landscape over the last 200 years.  A visual artistic interpretation of the music will be provided by students from several local schools.    

This year we also kicked off the post-COVID reboot of our Choral Scholars program.  Your generosity allows us to encourage high school juniors and seniors to sing with us at no cost to them.  In addition to this benefit, the scholars receive mentorship in choral singing from the music director and from individual members of Andover Choral Society.  

Bringing our community together through these collaborative efforts has become an important part of our mission, and we want you to be a part of that effort. You have helped us in the past through your financial contributions and concert attendance. I know that you receive many requests for help at this time of year, but I hope you will include Andover Choral Society in your annual giving. Please help us to continue bringing music to the Merrimack Valley with your generous donation. A contribution of any amount is welcome.    

I have attached a donation form that you may include with your contribution in the return envelope provided, or you may donate online at All contributions are fully tax deductible.   

On behalf of all the members of Andover Choral Society, I thank you for your continued support.  


Tom Connolly  

President, Andover Choral Society Board of Directors 


Our Current Business Partners

Thanks to the generous support of our local business partners, Andover Choral Society is able to bring music to the Merrimack Valley.  Please patronize our local business partners, and when you do, please thank them for their continued support!

Andover Cultural Council  
Andover Dermatology
Baluka Shop
Clarus Group
Coldwell Banker/Realty
Dentistry by Design
Doherty Insurance
Kittredge Candles
Marissa Michaels Hair Salon
Minuteman Press 
Theoria Books at Abebooks 

Dunlap Farm
Future of Dentistry 

Tobies Restoration

Nichols Village

Lynne Davis Massage & Body Work

Bagpiper, Brian Quirk
Riverwalk Dental
White Street Paint 

Abbot Financial Management
Downer Brothers Landscaping 
Edgewood LifeCare Community
Independent Tire
Market Basket
North Andover Cultural Council 
Off-Season Sports & Physical Therapy

Infrascan & Roof Services 

Sandpiper Ceramic Studio

Christine Hardiman – Graphic Design –
Devine Native Plantings
Skye Asta Devine Schirmer 
Mass Cultural Council


DIAMOND ($20,000 and above)
SAPPHIRE ($10,000-$19,999)
EMERALD ($5,000-$9,999)
RUBY ($1,000-$4,999)

Click here to learn more about becoming a corporate sponsor. Benefits of corporate sponsorship may include prime or color advertising in the concert program, corporate logo on the ACS website and on other advertising materials, complimentary tickets, and employee discounts.


Business and individual donors are recognized in our concert programs in the following categories:

PLATINUM ($1000 and above)
GOLD ($500-$999)
SILVER ($250-$499)
BRONZE ($100-$249)
FRIEND (up to $99)